
Have alert show if scanner is enabled

Have quick alert when site have malware:

Overview of current site, have quick button to go to detail information. Have 5 parts:

Malware reports:

  • Show some status of malware: malware, injected SPAM, defacements

  • Show status of current system of site

  • Have quick button to force run scan website

  • If not add firewall -> have quick button to add

  • Can set scan frequency

  • Can see site details:

    • List of links founds

    • List of javascript

    • Information of framework

Blacklisted reports

Uptime Reports

  • Show charts uptimes of site

  • Can quickly set scan frequency

History change reports

Show simple history changes

Issues Founds

Listing issues founds and link it to sucuri lab to provide quick definition of issue. Example: https://labs.sucuri.net/db/malware/spam-seo.spammy_keywords?19.16

Last updated